Nerd Alert December 2020

Cathy Corison

“Cathy Corison is my heroine. She makes such great wine-the essence of Napa Valley minus the bludgeoning force, plus a sensible price tag.” - Jancis Robinson

Jancis was reading my mind. To say that I am a huge fan is an understatement.  It is the greatest honor and privilege to represent the wines of Cathy Corison.  I have been a fan of her wines for over a decade and that has been about how long it has been since her wines were last in Oklahoma.  She finally had enough to send to Oklahoma and we sold out of our first allotment in a week.  

Stay tuned for the arrival of the next shipment……love love love!



Tempus Fugit

Another portfolio that left the state of Oklahoma is Tempus Fugit.  They are back now and are amazing!!!

Tempus Fugit was determined to seek out fine rare liquors that were once staples in classic pre-Prohibition cocktails, which have been lost over time. In most cases, Tempus Fugit recreated these liqueurs in-house using historic 19th-century protocols, many cross-referenced in several languages, to arrive as close in taste to these forgotten spirits as is possible, or surpass them. 

From rare fruit, flower and plant liqueurs to bitters, amari, vermouths and Chinato, Tempus Fugit prides itself in finding out what's missing from the back bar of the most discerning bartenders. 

Tempus Fugit's focus is on what is often called a cocktail "modifier," those spirit-based ingredients used to transform whisky, gin, rum, etc. into a cocktail. 


Credit: Clayton Bahr


Cocktail Feature December 2020